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Archive for July, 2013

Wordless Wednesday – 3 bored dogs in a beach cottage

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Trying to figure out how to use the self-timer on the camera – they did not like the beeping

Hobie testing out the “new” (vintage) couch

Um… dog tested, dog approved?

Yuh, we KNOW we are CUTE.  What else?

Good!  Back to wrestling! Ding!

Anyone into digital scrapbooking?

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I watch HGTV’s show “House Hunters” almost every night.  One night, a woman hunting for a house had a necessity for a room to do her “digital scrapbooking”.  I was intrigued because I had attended a scrapbooking party in the past, and love the idea, but hate cutting up photos (even badly-taken snapshots).  I have a very visual mind and cutting up photographs, to me, is akin to violence! LOL!
Anyway, I was intrigued as to what she meant by digital scrapbooking, so I decided to go online and hunt around (ha ha see that little pun there, “hunt”?).

I tried a few different digital scrapbooking products, but the one I liked best was MyMemories Suite Scrapbooking Software.  There seem to be a lot of designs to choose from, many focused to a specific hobby or interest, and it was very user-friendly.

About a day after I was on their site, I got a letter from them asking if I’d like to advertise their product on my blog.  I figured what the heck, why not?

You’ll see the banner to their site towards the bottom of my blog pages, along with a discount coupon code for my readers and followers.  If you’re interested, give it a whirl.  If not, no big deal.

Happy scrapbooking (sans the scissors, glue and heavy books — and oh, those creepy cutting utensils!)


The dog days of summer aren’t over yet

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Here’s a helpful infographic from our pals over at The Uncommon Dog 

Keep your canine cool and comfy during the dog days of summer!

And in case you missed it, here’s something I wrote for the folks over at!

Hot Car Etiquette for the Dog Days of Summer

Wordless Wednesday – Bookends, plus one

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Bookends, plus one
Hey, who said it had to always be all about the dogs, anyway?

Wordless Wednesday

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On vacation without the dogs.  I miss ’em!

Met Cesar (for the 2nd time) and Junior (for the first time) 
with my friend Lori, before going on vacation!  WOOF!
Cesar puts on a great show, it’s like a comedy stand-up routine 
and an educational seminar all in one. Not to be missed!

Wordless Wednesday – the sketch on the bar

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I’ve sat in the same seat at this particular bar 100 times (probably more) and never noticed this wonderful sketch underneath our plates!  [“No I didn’t have a drink!” Clarence from my favorite movie.]

It’s sort of like the famous dogs-playing-poker painting!


Happy 4th of July!

A dog named mini-Cooper is brought to you by Tripawds.