On Veterans Day, Cooper and Charlie, and their siblings turned 5 years old.
I somehow managed to invite the whole crew to my house this year, instead of the beach. It saved me a drive with both dogs, and I was ever so grateful to have everybody else drive to me. I live in “nowhereville” (you can’t get there from here type of thing). So, I appreciate how far the other pet parents had to come.
Anyway, the dogs had a great time in our fully fenced-in yard.
Even though Cooper is my comfort dog, he can get a little territorial and rambunctious. He got into a tussle with his sister, and with his brother! I had to put him in time-out in the basement for a few minutes each time. Nobody got hurt, it was just loud and looked bad. Ugh.
Here are some pictures of the gang!
Two sets of twins: (l) Simon, Molly, (r) tripawd Cooper and Charlie
Simon and Charlie (standing) tripawd Cooper and their mama dog Katie (sitting).