In case you missed it….
Here is Cooper’s entry on Tripawds Tuesday. It was posted to the Tripawds site on December 29, 2023:
Meet Senior Tripawd Cooper, aka Mr. Independence
December 29, 2023 by jerry
Today we are celebrating the story of Senior Tripawd Cooper, as part of our ongoing 2023 Tripawd Tuesday hero spotlights! Here’s his short story as told by his mom, Kathy from South Carolina. Check out his vintage Tripawd blog too, A Dog Named Mini Cooper!

How old is your Tripawd?
- 11
When and Why did your Tripawd lose a leg?
- Cooper was 7 months old, back in 2012, when he lost his leg. I adopted him after he had the surgery.
How did your Tripawd adapt to life on three?
- Amazingly well! He was jumping up onto the bed (at his foster mom’s house before I adopted him) the day after surgery. Despite her best efforts to stop him!
- His brother from the same litter lives with us, too (he’s got four legs lol) but Cooper can run faster and jump better. Even at almost 12 years old, he’s still incredibly active and refuses ANY help. The stroller and cart are just sitting in a corner, waiting.

What are your Tripawd’s favorite things to do?
- Rides in my car, and playing with THE BALL!!! Barking at the TV every time a dog, cat, horse or small child is on screen!
Was there any special gear that helped your Tripawd?
- He really won’t let us help him, even though I have everything! He’s very independent.
If you went through amputation surgery recovery with your animal, what did you think would happen after surgery? Did your worst fears happen? How did you cope?
- Cooper did not belong to me then, but I was part of his life at the time. I really thought he would be more disabled, and boy was I pleasantly surprised. It was as if he was saying “The worst has happened, what else could be worse than that? Let’s go have a good time!” We should all take lessons from Cooper.
Did you adopt a Tripawd? If so, why? Tell us your pet’s Gotcha Day story.
- I had already adopted Cooper’s brother, Charlie Brown in January of 2012. When the dogs were 7 months old, the rescue agency put around an email to all the adopters of that litter asking if anyone wanted a litter mate who was about to have his leg amputated due to an injury that could not be repaired.
- To this day, I still do not know how Cooper’s injury occurred. That info was never given to us. I helped raise money for the surgery, but Cooper was owned by the rescue at that point, and living with a foster mom whom I’m still friends with today. In July of 2012 he had the surgery. I adopted him in August.

What is the biggest lesson you learned from your Tripawd?
- Have fun and try your best, no matter what kind of physical limitations you have.
What is your best advice to someone who is about to go through amputation with their pet, or someone who is thinking of adopting a Tripawd?
- If the surgery is necessary, don’t worry. Dogs are such amazing creatures. They adapt almost immediately. You will be amazed.
TODAY: January 4, 2024
Here’s a picture of Cooper from TODAY! He got to ride in the new-to-me Outback because the Forester (reserved for dirty jobs, like dog rides) is in the shop. The red blanket was Hector’s — Cooper’s predecessor and I always say Cooper IS Hector reincarnated! We also have a matching leash, and Mom (that’s me) is wearing a matching t-shirt!