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Cesar Millan’s new book: "A Member of the Family"

Posted on Wednesday, October 8th, 2008 at 8:11 pm

I received Cesar Millan’s third book, “A Member of the Family” today. I have both of Cesar’s other books, and figured by the third book it probably wouldn’t be so great. Boy, was I mistaken!

I turned randomly to the chapter written by Ilusion Wilson Millan, Cesar’s beautiful wife. I was instantly hooked, and could not put this book down. I then turned to the chapter Cesar wrote about his beloved sidekick, Daddy, the greatest representative of Pit Bull known to man.

I know there are a lot of people whom I call “anti-Cesareans”. These are people who dislike Cesar Millan because a) he doesn’t have a degree and b) they (erroneously) believe he is cruel to dogs and c) they (erroneously) believe he is an illegal immigrant. For those anti-Cesareans, I have a message for you. READ THIS BOOK. You will find out about a man who has a deep and abiding love for dogs of all kinds, his family, his friends, and all human beings. Millan is a true specimen of humanity. The definition of “a good guy”.

After reading this book, there should be no doubt in ANYONE’s mind that Cesar is uniquely qualified to work with problematic dogs as perhaps no one else in popular culture today. But what is most remarkable is his open-arms approach to other dog behaviorists (some of whom have degrees, some who may not), and his understanding that there is room enough in this crazy world of ours for everyone. There is time and space for every method of interaction with canines, as long as it does NOT harm the dog. That is what Cesar Millan stands for.

I cannot stress enough (and for the bazillionth time!) Cesar Millan is not a dog trainer. He understands canine behavior and “what makes a dog tick” (pun, sorry) based on a lifetime of living with, and LOVING dogs (and humans alike).

Do not pass “GO”. Get this book, now! I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

And for those anti-Cesareans: life is too short. Stop being so petty and give this guy a chance. If he were standing in a room with you, he would give YOU a chance, of that I am positive.

Happy tails.
K.S. Mueller

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