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Hoppy 4th Ampuversary, Cooper

Posted on Thursday, August 11th, 2016 at 9:25 am

I don’t post here as often as I should, but I wanted to give a big shout out to my amazing dog, Cooper… the three-legged wonder.

It was four years ago this week, that young Cooper had his amputation.  His leg had been broken and was inoperable, except for experimental surgery, which the vets strongly recommended against.  Coop was 7 months old, and had been returned to the puppies’ foster mom by his original adopters who could not afford the medical bills after his leg broke. He was so young, and at the time, I knew nothing about three-legged animals.  I was so worried about him.

But, it turned out, he doesn’t even know he is “disabled” (and don’t tell him!).  I think he was grateful to not be dragging that leg around anymore.

Coop is the best dog in the world.  He and his brother (from the same litter) are my “comfort dogs”.  Eighteen months ago, I lost my husband to cancer.  My world, my life, has been turned upside-down.  Suddenly, I was alone after 30 years.  If it were not for these two dogs, and a handful of very supportive friends, I don’t know where I would be today.  I can’t wait to get home from work every night to hang out with my amazing dogs, Charlie and Cooper.  Sometimes, they drive me nuts with all their barking and shenanigans, but mostly they are my best friends and bring me so much joy and happiness.

Hoppy 4th Ampuversary, Cooper!  I love you more than words can say!

408342_332193756791896_696024149_nCooper when he was a puppy, with 4 legs!


IMG_0274And today.  His favorite activity is R.I.D.E. !!


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8 Responses to “Hoppy 4th Ampuversary, Cooper”

  1. midnighter94 says:

    Hoppy Ampuversary Cooper! What a beautiful boy you are! And what a special job you & your brother have <3

    Donna & Murphy

  2. benny55 says:

    So sorry to hear that your husband has crossed over. I know you are still locked in grief. I also know you and your pups have a wonderful Guardian Angel watching over you.

    I’m so glad Cooper and Charlie are there for you…just as you’ve been there for them. To have them for companionship, especially now, is such a joy. You are never alone and your home is never empty…or quiet! 🙂

    These pictures are so precious! And that puppy picture…OMD! So cute! 🙂


    Keep in touch! We are family.

    Lots of love

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  3. otisandtess says:

    Hoppy ampuversary Cooper! You and Charlie look after your Mom!

  4. linda8115 says:

    Happy four years Cooper! Hope you get to celebrate with cake and steak! I’m so so sorry for the loss of your husband. I’m sure he’s watching over you and your pack from the heavens. Just as I’m sure the bond you’ve built with Cooper & Charlie defies human words. Love the pictures they make me smile.

    • k2k9 says:

      I wanted to post better pics, but my computer was being uncooperative LOL! Cake and steak, sounds like a plan! Yes, G is watching over us, along with my previous two dogs. <3

  5. dobemom says:

    Happy 4th Cooper! You are gorgeous and your mom is so lucky to have you and your brother

    Paula and Nitro

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