Hoppy 5th Ampuversary to the Amazing Cooper!

I guess there was a reason someone posted a SPAM comment to my Tripawds blog! Because this weekend is the 5th ampuversary for Cooper. It was August 11th, 2012 that he lost his leg. He is an amazing creature, and he doesn’t let it slow him down. Today, we are going to Bow Wow Luau at the local animal shelter (not the shelter I adopted him from, but that’s ok, we support all of our local shelters and rescues!).

Cooper was just 7 months old when he had his amputation. He had broken his leg in several places (before he was with us — we do not know what kind of accident he had, the previous owners requested privacy, so I guess we will never know). Anyway, his leg got broken when he was 5 months old. Poor thing! Amputated at 7 months. He is now 5 years old. I cannot believe how fast these years went by.

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How is your dog or cat doing post-amputation? How old was your pet when the amputation occurred, and what was the reason for the operation? Tell me about it in the comments, or share your link to your Tripawds blog if you have one.

The goof, left with his brother, Charlie Brown hoppily seat-belted in the Subaru!

Author: Kathy Mandell

Kathy Mandell has shared her life with many dogs and writes essays about them (and cats).

2 thoughts on “Hoppy 5th Ampuversary to the Amazing Cooper!”

  1. First: HOPPY AMPUVERSARY COOPER! You are rockin’ life on three legs and showing us all how to do it right. YAAAY!!!!!!

    Hey we are so sorry that you are getting spam comments. We think it’s the blog theme (template) you’ve chosen, this one seems to get spammed more often than others. You may want to consider changing it. If you ever have issues just let us know OK?

    3-paws up to you guys! Congrats!

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