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Why choose a grain-free dog food? #DiamondNaturals

Posted on Wednesday, October 9th, 2013 at 9:29 am

Since starting to feed our dogs Grain Free Dog Food, I’ve noticed a definite change in their health and vitality. We’ve always been blessed to have all of our dogs and cats live well into their teens, because we’ve always taken very good care of our pets.  That includes spending a little bit more money on high-quality food, “only the best” veterinary care, and making sure they have plenty of exercise and lovin’ besides.  

The choice of grain-free dog food was a relatively new concept to me about three or four years ago when our veterinarian recommended the change due to some minor health issues Hobie was experiencing.  As posted previously, the vet’s famous words were “Dogs don’t eat rice!” [or corn, or wheat, or rye… in the wild.]  I hadn’t really known anything about grain-free dog food, and to be honest I just grabbed the first brand he named off from the list of brands he suggested.  

Diamond Naturals Grain-Free is a new brand to me, and I look forward to trying it out.  They offer three protein-rich dry dog food formulas, enriched with power-packed fruits and vegetables, and natural antioxidants.  It’s designed to be fed to dogs of all ages.  Each of the three formulas (Beef & Sweet Potato; Chicken & Sweet Potato; and Whitefish & Sweet Potato) has a quality meat as the primary ingredient.  This provides dogs with important amino acids necessary for an ideal body condition, keeping them lean and healthy.  

(my attempt at taking a photo using the Mac’s built-in camera on “mirror” setting lol!)

Grain-free diets are known to provide more concentrated energy because higher levels of protein and fat enable the dog’s owner to feed less amounts of food.  This not only saves money, but also gives dogs like Charlie Brown enough fuel for an energy-packed day. According to Diamond Naturals, grains such as corn and wheat are a frequent cause of canine allergies and can also be difficult to digest.  Choosing a grain-free diet can lessen food allergies and optimize digestion.  Bonus: a protein-based, instead of grain-based diet is closer to a dog’s natural ancestral beginnings (think “caveman diet” for humans).  Animal fats are easier for hounds to digest.  Sweet potatoes are provided as a complex carb perfect for all-day energy.  Fruits and vegies provide powerful natural antioxidants for a big health boost.

Vitamins in the Diamond Naturals Grain-Free recipe are plentiful, and include vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as the B vitamins of biotin, pantothenic acid, choline chloride, folic acid, thiamine, B12, and riboflavin!  The food also contains mineral supplementation including iron, selenium, copper and more.  Natural “food” ingredients include flaxseed, tomatoes, fish meal, garbanzo beans, lamb meal, peas, potatoes, raspberries, and of course sweet potatoes!  Talk about tasty!  Charlie and Cooper say “YUM!”  (Hobie, 13, has been sick lately, so he’s on a low-ingredient diet at the moment.)

This post is sponsored by Diamond Naturals on behalf of the BlogPaws Blogger Network (link to I am being compensated for helping spread the word about Diamond Naturals Grain Free dog food, but k2k9 only shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Diamond Naturals is not responsible for the content of this article.

backwards selfie — why does Mac built-in camera do that?

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